Cubic Zirconia Pink Color VS Corundum Pink Sapphire and Ruby Red color comparison
What's cubic zirconia?
Cubic Zirconia (or CZ) is zirconium oxide (ZrO2 ), is widely synthesized for use as a diamond simulant and it is a lab made created stone with a specific gravity of between 5.6-6.00 and at about 8.5 hardness on Mohs scale, which is harder than most natural gems. Its refractive index is high at 2.15 - 2.18 (B-G interval) and its luster is very good. Its dispersion is very high at 0.058 - 0.066, exceeding that of diamond (0.044).
What's corundum?
Corundum is an aluminum oxide that commonly forms hexagonal barrel-shaped prisms that taper at both ends or as thin tabular hexagonal plates. It has a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale, making it one of the most durable commercial gemstones. It has no dominant cleavage and fractures in a conchoidal manner. A high density of ~4.0 g/cm3 (most silicate minerals are ~2.6 g/cm3) results in corundum occurring in secondary placer deposits and recoverable by panning methods, similar to how you would recover placer gold.
The following picture is their color comparison:
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